Social media is like oxygen to the next gen ecommerce businesses’ It is a straightforward fact that social media is perhaps the most important thing that can help an ecommerce business. Gone are the days where companies conducted door-to-door surveys to know what their customers actually want.
Social media marketing is an important tool to enhance your ecommerce business. But in order to reap rich results from it you would require a competent social media marketing strategy. A competent strategy will help your business to develop a fool proof plan so as to employ a multi-channel marketing approach to know the needs and wants of the customers accurately.
Given the stakes are so high in the ecommerce realm today, businesses cannot afford to be complacent in their approach. Thus, having an astute social media marketing campaign according to the niche of your ecommerce business becomes a must have.
In this blog, we will study the best social media marketing strategies for ecommerce businesses that can be employed in 2022 and beyond. In addition, we will see the benefits a practical social media strategy will bring to the business to keep it ahead of its peers.
Let us begin!
Let us address the elephant in the room first up. Social media is a place where people come to express their ideas, share their memories, get in touch with their friends, etc. Thus, ecommerce platforms should understand that social media sites are primarily for sharing and not selling. This may seem a little contradictory to you, but in reality, it is the real jackpot.
As the platform is for sharing, implement the same in your social media marketing campaign. While building a repo with your targeted audience, just look to share your thoughts, ideas, salient features of your products, etc. Do not be ‘in the face’ of your customers because this strategy will drive them away.
Try and build a ‘humane’ relationship rather than a ‘transactional’ relationship with your audience. Building human relationships will not only increase the ROI of your ecommerce business but will also help in building a great reputation.
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat constitute a major part of social media platforms across the world. Despite being called ‘social media platforms’ it has a different set of audience that receive content in a different way. For example, Instagram is more of a visual social media platform whereas on Twitter people like more written forms of content, etc.
Thus, for ecommerce businesses to ace the game of social media marketing strategy, they have to first plan their social media content strategy well. Always look to churn out platform specific social media content to hold the attention of the audience on that platform for a longer time. Moreover, refrain from interchanging the social media content style in the name of ‘experimentation’ because it could have an adverse effect on the overall marketing strategy.
The audience these days have an attention span of ‘less than a goldfish’. Thus, it is essential for the ecommerce businesses to grab them by the hook at the earliest.
One can never underestimate the power of ‘paid social media strategy’. It is an important tool to give an initial boost to the social media image of your ecommerce platform. Ecommerce businesses should employ the paid social media strategy at regular intervals as it helps them to be in the limelight and catch the attention of the audience at the right time.
But there is a ‘catch-22 situation’ when it comes to implementing the paid social media strategy. There are high chances that businesses can overdo the paid marketing which could instantly turn off their audience. Thus, it is essential to maintain the balance while devising a paid media social media strategy as overdoing it can have major repercussions.
Moreover, ecommerce businesses should be mindful of the social media platform while doing paid social media as well. As discussed earlier, audiences at different platforms receive everything in a different way thus heed should be paid to this thought.
The proliferation of social media platforms has given rise to a new genre of marketing known as influencer marketing. In a nutshell, social media influencers are those people who have a decent presence and following on various social media platforms. Thus, ecommerce businesses can use them to reach their targeted audience more effectively.
But if you want to get the most out of influencer marketing, you should pick the influencers according to the product. Moreover, many influencers are not famous across the three major (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) social media platforms. Thus, it is essential to curate a well-through social media marketing strategy before roping in the influencers.
Moreover, the ecommerce business platform should not be rigid in terms of choosing an influencer for their platform. They must have an open mind-set and a flexible approach.
The popularity of instant messaging platforms is on cloud nine and the numbers speak for it. For example, Facebook Messenger alone has 1.3 billion active monthly users. Thus, ecommerce business platforms must look to tap into the power of instant messaging and use it for their benefit.
In instant messaging, the social media content strategy will play a major role. If the message you convey to the audience is catchy and it strikes the right chord, your ecommerce business is bound to rise. Moreover, instant messaging platforms also give the audience a direct interaction with the ecommerce platforms.
In addition, it allows the ecommerce businesses to give a personalized touch to their social media content strategy as well. And we all know what wonders can personalization do to the customer engagement ratio in the long run.
In the modern day business realm, data is the ‘new oil’ and we couldn’t agree more to it. There is a plethora of platform specific analytics tools such as YouTube Analytics, Facebook Insights, etc. Thus, it is necessary for the ecommerce businesses to have a complete understanding of the analytic tool to understand the data well.
Once the ecommerce business platform knows how and where to implement the data, their social media marketing campaign will escalate in no time. In addition, data will be vital in knowing the buying habits, change in trends, etc. as well.
Data also allows the ecommerce businesses to take better business decisions and minimize their loss percentage as well. Moreover, it will also allow them to act on time and we all know the importance of timing especially in today’s fast-paced business world.
We cannot deny the fact that we live in a ‘data-driven’ society. Thus, it is always better to use the available data as it will create a win-win situation for your business and help it thrive against all odds and situations.
The world of social media is constantly evolving. For ecommerce businesses to be on top of their game, they have to embrace this change and get on with their work quickly. Moreover, it is also important to implement the social media marketing strategies according to the platform and the audience.
Also, the ecommerce business should be practical in devising a social media strategy and should be ready to change it according to the requirements. We at Ecomnext with our vast experience and knowledge could assist you in developing the best social media marketing campaign according to your ecommerce business. Contact us now!